Program for Developing and Supporting the Next-Generation of Innovative Researchers at Hiroshima University

Career Development and Career Support Initiatives

Career Support for the Fellows

〇Main career support provided by the Global Career Design Center

(1) IT system, “Young Researchers’ Portfolio (HIRAKU-PF)”
  • The HIRAKU-PF provides young researchers with various functions that support them in establishing and realizing diversified career paths, such as an “e-portfolio” function to showcase their profile and research activities, a “search” function to search for other researchers, a function to obtain information on internships/recruitment and events/training courses that are useful for career development, a tool to interact with other young researchers and Member Organizations, and a function for professional development.

  • All students enrolled in a doctoral course at Hiroshima University are registered to the HIRAKU-PF at the time of enrollment as part of the University’s policy. The log-in and provisional password information is sent to your Hiroshima University email address within a few days after your enrollment date, so please check your email if you have not logged-in yet.
  • For further details, please click here

(2) Seminars and Workshops for Doctoral Students
  • Common Graduate Course “Career Management for Highly Skilled Innovators”
    (2T, 4T)
Focusing on various industries and occupations, this class introduces the significance and fascination of not only pursuing academic careers but also taking up the challenge of new careers beyond academia while capitalizing on research experience gained through doctoral courses.
  • Other Common Graduate Courses offered include Innovation Practice (3T), Pathway to Becoming a Data Scientist (First Semester), and Skills and Arts of Leadership (First and Second Semesters).
(3) Providing Practical Opportunities for Doctoral Students
  • Common Graduate Course “Long-Term Internship Program”

    Students participate in an internship at a private enterprise, public institution, non-profit organization or other entity at home or abroad. The internship period must be for around a month or longer in principle (including paid internships).
  • The “HIRAKU 3MT Competition” (a competition where doctoral students are required to effectively explain their own research’s vision and charm in an easy-to-understand manner, within a limited time-span of three minutes), and other such events is also held.
(4) Career Counseling

The Global Career Design Center accepts appointments for career counseling.

For details, please click here