Join the Summer 2022 Intensive Journal Article Writing Group for Graduate Students!

Are you a graduate student that needs to publish your work in English?
Join the Summer 2022 Intensive Journal Article Writing Group for Graduate Students!
To register for the group, please fill out the form here. Registration closes Friday, July 22.

More information:
This Graduate Student Writing Group aims to provide structure and support for you to write up a draft of your research for publication. The focus of this writing group is on IMRaD journal article structure, not on English grammar.

Benefits to you:

  • At the end of 8 weeks, have a draft (or a further edited draft) of your research for publication
  • Have accountability to write and the support of peers going through the same process
  • Gain knowledge about and experience in writing an academic English article
  • Practice peer editing to provide feedback to your peers as well as hone your own writing skills
  • Practice speaking about your work in English in a safe and welcoming environment
  • You are:

  • a graduate student with some results to write up (likely a 2nd or 3rd-year graduate student)
  • open-minded to read about research from fields outside of your own
  • willing to ask thoughtful questions about your peers’ work
  • collaborative and encouraging
  • This Graduate Student Writing Group will roughly consist of work:
    1. on your own time

  • Learn the theoretical background of academic writing through very short readings or videos
  • Write up your own work. There will be structured assignments to guide your writing if you choose to use them. The amount you want to write is up to you.
  • 2. in weekly meetings

  • Participate in group discussions about various topics related to writing
  • Do peer editing and discussion to get feedback and to help you think through your work
  • Duration: 8 weeks, 1x/week, 1-1.5 hours per session
    Attendance each week is highly recommended so you can efficiently draft up your article as well as provide group cohesion and support for your peers. If you plan to miss more than 2 weeks, you may want to consider joining a future group.

    Dates: August 9 through October 12 on Tuesdays or Wednesdays
    We will select a recurring date (Tuesday or Wednesday) and time that works for all registered participants.

    Effort: Approximately 1 hour/week of outside work is required.
    However, the more effort you put in, the more writing you will complete! 🙂

    Group size: Maximum 8 participants.
    If there is enough interest, we will create multiple groups.

    Registration URL:

    If you have any questions, please contact Jacqueline Tay: jtay■ ※Please replace ■ with @.
    Writing Advisor Fellow, Writing Center, Hiroshima University