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(English follows Japanese)
広島大学未来共創科学研究本部 研究戦略部 研究戦略推進部門では、将来、国際的に活躍できる研究者の育成と国際的なトップジャーナルへの論文投稿促進を目的として、エルゼビア「トップジャーナル『Matter』ワークショップ」を以下のとおり開催いたします。
『Matter』は、Cell Pressのフラッグシップ材料科学ジャーナル(創刊号は2019年7月)であり、Nature Materialsに匹敵するようなインパクトのある出版物を提供することを目標にしています。エディターから直接お話を聞ける大変貴重な機会ですので、奮ってご参加ください。



“Make Your Research Matter: Tips From the Editorial Team”

【開催日時】 2024年3月1日(金)13:30~15:00

【開催方法】 会場*(定員20名)/ Zoomウェビナーによるハイブリッド開催

【会場】 広島大学ミライクリエ2階大会議室

【言語】 英語

【参加者】 広島大学の研究者および大学院生

【参加申込】 https://forms.office.com/r/1ape59MfBm

①挨拶および趣旨説明: 菅田 淳 理事・副学長 (研究担当) (5分)
② エディター Steven W. Cranford氏(Editor-in-chief)によるプレゼンテーション(30分)
③ 広島大学の教員2名による発表およびエディターから査読にまわす判断ポイント等のコメント(個別指導)



We are glad to announce that the Elsevier “Matter” Editor Workshop will be held as shown below. Matter is the flagship materials science journal from Cell Press (the first issue was July 2019). Matter is the third offering in the physical sciences from Cell Press, after the successful launches of Chem (2016) and Joule (2017), and an expanding physical sciences portfolio. Its goal is to provide a high impact publication in the field on par with Nature Materials. Please take this opportunity to hear directly from an editor.


Elsevier “Matter” Editor Workshop
“Make Your Research Matter: Tips From the Editorial Team”

【Date & Time】 13:30 – 15:00, Friday, March 1, 2024

【Participation】 On-site* (Up to 20 participants) / Zoom webinar

【Venue】 2nd floor Meeting room at MIRAI CREA, Hiroshima University

【Registration】 https://forms.office.com/r/1ape59MfBm

① Opening remarks
② Presentation by the Editor-in-chief of the journal Matter, Dr. Steven W. Cranford (30 mins) In this talk, the editor-in-chief, Dr. Cranford, will outline the aims and scope of Matter, its internal scientific editorial team, describe its assessment process and outline its framing of materials science. He presents its novel MAP scale for materials research progress assessment, and provide tips in writing high impact papers and common pitfalls.
③ Research presentations by two faculty members of Hiroshima University and comments from the editor on whether the related manuscript would be sent for review if it was submitted to Matter.
・Presentation by Assistant Professor Naoyuki HISANO (10 min)
・Editor’s comment on the presentation by Dr. HISANO (10 min)
(Another presenter to be determined.)
④ Q & A session (20 min)

*After the workshop, a casual coffee hour with an opportunity to speak further with the editor is scheduled on the 1st floor of MIRAI CREA.


Basic Information About Matter:

Matter, a sister journal to Cell, is a monthly journal encompassing the general field of materials science, from nano to macro, fundamentals to application. Recognizing that materials discovery and development facilitate groundbreaking technologies bridging multiple disciplines, Matter will embrace all significant advances in materials research, encompassing the previously unknown and the innovative.

A key focus will be on transformative research, related to fundamental structure, synthesis and assembly, properties and performance of emerging material systems, as well as novel characterization methods, thereby encapsulating key aspects of materials science. Materials of focus can be any state, any scale, any composition ? i.e., any Matter – with scientific or technological interest, theoretical or otherwise.

Matter will highlight material type and scale of interest for each study, while also explicitly assessing the stage of material development, click here for more details. In this way, while still stressing fundamental science, materials advancement and progression can be tracked and put into context of potential impact, from concept to societal usage.

Matter provides full-length research articles, reviews, topical perspectives, paper previews, opinions, personnel stories, and other editorial content of general interest to the global materials community. The journal aims to be the premier resource for researchers in both academia and industry, providing a platform of inspiration for the next generation of materials scientists.

未来共創科学研究本部 研究戦略部 研究戦略推進部門
Research Strategy and Promotion Division Headquarters for Co-creative Future Sciences
E-mail: ura@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp