Hiroshima University Graduate School Research Fellowship

Support Details

  1. Research Fellow Support
    1. In order to support the Research Fellows and allow them to concentrate on their studies and/or research, stipends will be provided for up to three years after their enrollment*. Based on the principle monthly amount of 150,000 yen, two months’ worth of payments will be provided in May, July, September, November, January, and March.
      *If a Research Fellow’s enrollment exceeds the standard study period, the support will be discontinued.
      However, if it becomes necessary for a Research Fellow to suspend or extend the period of support due to childbirth, childcare, illness, etc., the individual’s particular circumstances will be considered before a decision is made.
      Also, for those selected during a call undertaken to replace previously selected Research Fellows, their support period will be up until the end of the support period of the previous Research Fellow.
    2. The stipends are taxable as a miscellaneous income. Therefore, every Research Fellow is required to file an income tax return.
      Furthermore, if a student with dependents (parents, etc.) is provided with a Research Fellowship, they may need to be excluded from their dependents. Therefore, if a student is selected as a Research Fellow, they should inform their dependents (parents, etc.) that the stipends they receive will be treated as a miscellaneous income under the Japanese tax law. For the procedures required to change your health insurance or dependents, please contact the person in charge at the workplace of your dependents (parents, etc.).
    3. For a period of up to three years after a Research Fellow’s enrollment, research funds of up to 300,000 yen per year will be funded from the academic year in which they have been selected as a Research Fellow. Furthermore, the maximum amount of research funds for an academic year in which the period of support is six months or less shall be limited to 150,000 yen.
    4. For international students and others who are currently overseas and are provisionally selected for the Research Fellowship, as a general rule, the stipends and research funds will begin to be provided once the Fellow has entered Japan and is able to commute to the University campus (retroactive payments will not be provided for the period of non-entry). Furthermore, any period of non-entry will be treated as a period of suspension and subsequently, the outlined support will be provided for up to three years after entering Japan.
    5. In addition to the aforementioned stipends and research funds, due to a budgetary measure of the Japanese government, the tuition fees of the Research Fellows will be waived from FY2022 onwards.
  2. Research Fellow Obligations

    Research Fellows shall fulfill the following obligations to receive support:

    1. Develop a yearly research plan for each academic year and concentrate on research activities based on the plan.
    2. Participate in programs offered by the University related to improving research capabilities.
    3. Report the progress of research activities to the University regularly.
    4. Have regular meetings with mentors.
    5. Cooperate with various surveys, including follow-up surveys on careers after graduation.
    6. Based upon the “広島大学における研究活動に係る研究倫理教育に関する細則” (only available in Japanese), make sure to undertake necessary research ethics education.
  3. Research Fellow Cancellation

    If a Research Fellow falls under any of the following cases, the Research Fellow will be withdrawn, and the provision of stipends and research funds shall be discontinued:

    1. The Fellow’s annual income, from January to December, exceeds a certain amount (2.4 million yen or more per year). Note that this annual income refers to stable incomes, such as standard salaries/remunerations, and does not include income received from paid internships, RA/TA, part-time work, etc.
    2. The Fellow receives a Research Fellowship for Young Scientists from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, a Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for international students, or any other scholarship/s from their home country.
    3. The Fellow’s research plan progress and/or the fulfillment of the Research Fellow Obligations is deemed insufficient.
    4. The Fellow does not meet the original eligibility requirements.
    5. The Fellow requests to cancel their Fellowship.
    6. The Fellow takes a leave of absence from the University. However, in the case of childbirth, childcare, illness, etc., the individual’s particular circumstances will be considered before a decision is made on the suspension and subsequent resumption of payments, and other such factors.
    7. The Fellow withdraws from, or is removed from the University.
    8. The President of the University decides that there is a valid reason to cancel the Fellowship.
  4. Repayment of Excess Stipend Payments and Research Funds

    If the period of support is shortened due to early completion, cancellation of support, etc., the payment of the stipends will be stopped at the end of the shortened support period, and any excess amount which has been paid will need to be returned. Also, in principle, the research funds will also need to be returned in proportion to the number of months the support period was shortened by.

  5. Others
    1. As long as it does not interfere with a Fellow’s research activities, it is possible to receive a salary via a RA/TA position, etc., or work part-time.
    2. The names of those who are selected as Research Fellows will be published on the University’s website.
    3. Any personal information stated within the application documents, and any other necessary personal information provided by the graduate school to which an applicant belongs to, will be used only for the purposes of the selection of candidates, preparation for acceptance, education/research guidance, etc.