エルゼビア 『Device』 オンラインワークショップ / Elsevier “Device” Editor Online Workshop

リサーチフェロー 各位
次世代フェロー 各位
理工系女性リサーチフェロー(理工系女性M2奨学生を含む) 各位


(English follows Japanese)
広島大学 未来共創科学研究本部 研究戦略部 研究戦略推進部門では、将来、国際的に活躍できる研究者の育成と国際的なトップジャーナルへの論文投稿促進を目的として、エルゼビア『Device』オンラインワークショップを以下のとおり開催いたします。




“Meet the Editor: How to publish in Device”

【開催日時】 2023年12月18日(月)10:00~12:00

【開催方法】 Zoom

【言語】 英語

【参加者】 広島大学の研究者および大学院生

【参加申込】 https://forms.office.com/r/WgYmLisxFb

挨拶および趣旨説明: 菅田 淳 理事・副学長 (研究担当) (5分)

① エディター Dr. Yuen Yi (Senior Editor, Device) によるトークセッション(45 – 60分)
このトークセッションでは、『Device』シニアエディターのDr. Yuen Yiが、研究論文や意見論文の構成の仕方について簡単に解説し、研究を推進する際に起こしやすいミスや逃しがちな機会について説明します。また、科学出版におけるAIの利用や、その他の倫理的課題について、エディター視点での考えも簡単に紹介します。さらに、Cell Pressシリーズ特有の出版プロセスについて概観し、専任エディターならではの見解を共有します。 以下のようなトピックにも触れる予定です。
・既存のジャーナルと比較して、新しいジャーナルである 『Device』の何が特別なのか、Cell Pressシリーズの中でどのように位置づけられているのか。また、今後のジャーナルの戦略について。

② インタラクティブ・セッション/ディスカッション(30分)

③ オープン・ディスカッション(30分)
このセッションでは、Cell Pressの他のジャーナルのエディターも参加します。より広い科学分野の知見を得ることが期待できます。


We are glad to announce that the Elsevier “Device” Editor Online Workshop will be held as shown below. Device, a sister journal to Cell, is a monthly journal encompassing the applied research needed to make groundbreaking fundamental research into tomorrow’s cutting-edge technology. The disciplines and expertise needed to build devices that positively impact human lives are diverse, and as such, Device publishes research in applied physics, computer science, chemistry, biology, engineering, and more as it applies to driving integrated, purpose-driven applications. Please take this opportunity to hear directly from an editor.

Elsevier “Device” Editor Online Workshop “Meet the Editor: How to publish in Device”


【Date & Time】 10:00 – 12:00, Monday, December 18

【Participation】 Zoom

【Registration】 https://forms.office.com/r/WgYmLisxFb

Opening remarks (5 min)

① Talk session from Dr, Yuen Yi, Device Senior Editor (45–60 mins) In this talk, Yuen will give a crash course on how to craft a research or an opinion article, and go over some common pitfalls and missed opportunities when promoting your research. He will also briefly share his thoughts on the use of AI in scientific publishing and other ethical concerns. Finally, he will give an overview on the journal ecosystem of Cell Press and peel back the curtains to share some insider knowledge as a full-time editor.
You can also learn more about;
– Trends and topics in fields that Hiroshima University is particularly focused on.
– What is special about this new journal “Device” compared with existing ones, how it is positioned within Cell Press series, and the journal’s strategy for the future
– Published Trends such as the Author’s region, titles or experience.

② Interactive communication & discussion session (30 mins) Yuen will give feedback for provided proposals from participants that are envisioned to submit to Device.

③ Open Discussion session (30 mins)
In this session, editors form other Cell Press journals may join in. You will get insights from a broader scope on various scientific field.


Basic Information About Device:


Device, a sister journal to Cell, is a monthly journal encompassing the applied research needed to make groundbreaking fundamental research into tomorrow’s cutting-edge technology. The disciplines and expertise needed to build devices that positively impact human lives are diverse, and as such, Device publishes research in applied physics, computer science, chemistry, biology, engineering, and more as it applies to driving integrated, purpose-driven applications. Examples of topical areas of interest to the journal include but are by no means limited to:
– High-performance and capacity memory
– Nanomaterials
– 2D devices and materials
– Devices meant for extreme and/or cryogenic conditions
– Single-crystal devices
– Quantum computers and photonic devices
– Energy harvesting and storage
– Water purification
– Biomedical devices
– Heterogeneous devices
– Laboratory robotics and automation
– Artificial intelligence and machine learning models relevant to applied research
– Computational physics and modeling as related to device development
– Internet of Things devices
– Flexible and wearable electronics


A key focus is on the integration of materials and concepts at multiple levels across the device-development pipeline. Inventing a new material is only part of the work required to implement it in a practically useful setting, much like an material that performs best under vacuum in initial studies may not be the ideal structure once real-world conditions are required. This is to say that Device prioritizes the form as well as the function of the advances considered in submitted research.


Device highlights real-world implications of the research published where appropriate. Authors are encouraged to highlight and amplify the implications, challenges, and opportunities of their work across the entire field and beyond. Device purposefully explores the sustainability, accessibility, ethics, and socioeconomic implications of device research throughout the entire journal.


未来共創科学研究本部 研究戦略部 研究戦略推進部門
Research Strategy and Promotion Division Headquarters for Co-creative Future Sciences
E-mail: ura@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp