Sustainability Seminar “Biogas solutions: technologies for sustainable transformations”

Hiroshima University is participating in the MIRAI Project, an international research exchange project consisting of top universities in Japan and Sweden. In the second phase, (2020-2023), which started in 2020, five scientific groups were set up. Those groups have organized symposia and workshops with the aim of furthering international collaboration between Japan and Sweden.
This February, Professor Alex Prast from Linköping University, one of participating universities in the MIRAI project, will visit our university to give a seminar.

[DATE & TIME] 17 (Fri) February, 2023,15:00pm – 16:30 pm
[LANGUAGE] English
[VENUE] Seminar room, East Library 3F, Hiroshima University
(Venue Info) Hiroshima University Campus Map
[REGISTRATION] Please register in the link below.

Prof. Alex Enrich Prast
Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University

Please refer to the attached PDF to find more about Prof. Prast’s bio and the seminar abstract.


International Office, Hiroshima University
E-mail: kokusai-group*
*Please replace * with @.